four more days to the exam le busy revising the subjuect chapter that will be tested today the whole PC lesson mrs tay ask us to change seat many ppl change seat then at last it is my turn mrs tay call me to seat at syakirah place and syakirah went to seat at my place i was so happy when i don have to seat there with the raihan anymore the smell of his sweat is smelly lor want to faint everytime when seating beside me i seat at the last roll my roll only 3ppl me ,yuqing and raja i prefer chinese ppl seating beside me can talk without using english haha tomorrow bag going to be heavy must bring sci textbook for sci revision lol
Wednesday, February 28, 2007
Friday, February 16, 2007
yesterday go to macrichte there it was fine when we reach there then it start raining heavily still must run OMG wait sick how ? i got walk then take the unberlla walk some people laught at me nvm just take prevent you from getting sick in the forest we walk run very less because puddles of water every where the boy act hero run fast then the water sp at us o my so dirty infornt got malay girls still screaming so noisy reach the staring point again is about 5 something reach home about coming to 6.30pm
Wednesday, February 14, 2007
today as usual go to school during PC lesson we go hall then have talk about the total defence finish talking is already 2pm 10 more minutes then school dismissed but we have to stay in school to help out the deceration of chinese new year but we thought can go back to class le OMG still got what prize prsenation sian le call about the seconday 1-5 people who join the total defence competion hear sec 2n1 Amanda Lim so happy she got the prize her drawing is very good later hear Teo Yuanxiao 2n1 o yuanxiao got too she don want to go up to take her prize she too shy but she still go after we told her then she go not afer a while i heard my name call i was shock and my mind was think did i draw well?? o well what ever never thought i would got to the stage to receive the prize it is a $5 popular book voucher can buy book or CD but havent decied what to buy so for the time can keep .tomorrow no school yeah then can sleep late we accually have school 1 lor is because of the good achivement of the O-lever result then we don need to go to school but we have to report at macrichte at 3pm because we have cross-countery.
Saturday, February 10, 2007

yesterday go chinatown after school end took the bus at 1.40 so late le hor we should go by 1.30 lor but the bus vey late then come i put my bag at staff room yuanxiao and me are the only people from other cca the other all from chinese orchestra cca reach ther almost 2.30 walk there saw many people buying new year goodies under the hot sun
Thursday, February 08, 2007
yesterday went for cca did running almost the whole 2 hours to control the ball and build our stamina run untill almost no breath le after school saw yuanxiao ask her friend for sweet near the mama shop ask her before cca start want to go to sun plaza but she said see first but after cca she told me that she want to go also so she tagged along too i brought curry puff because mom said buy ma then go to popular brought a story book which i already have the first and second book but the writer third book so interesting the story is about her life and her country and i brought a green pen and my pen refill total $22.40 the book very expensive lor but never mind i still buy not enough money have to use nets lor brought all the things le then walk home reach home about 6.45 pm very late le hor yeah! tomorrow can go chinatown with miss ma ,yuanxiao and student we want to go ma haha sure lot of pictures to show 1 ma tomorrow see i got time a not la to blog turn in to see my latest blog what i got to said in it bb got to go sleep le