1)what age do you wish to marry? 24 or 25 the time where maybe my career is stable 2)What do you want the most right now? able to leave the secondary school life and in poly :)3)What do you want to be in your next life? no one can predict the future4)Do you think you have confident? 50 -505)If you can have one more dream to come true, what would it be? to travel around the world6)What are you afraid to lose now? family7)Do you believe in ETERNAL love? no i believe in faith8)If you meet someone that you love, would you confess to him? must see the right time 9)How would you spend 200 bucks? treat my family with a meal and save the rest for traveling10)which singer or group you like the most ? tvxq :)11)Which type of person you hate most? backstabber ,act blur all the time , person who lie , no manner12)So you cherish every of your friendships? if the friendship deserve to be cherish i will remember it if it don't deserve to be remember i will forget it13)Who do you enjoy most when you're with? nasirah :)14)What do you think is the most important in your life? family and friends15)Do you find it a need to have boyfriend? not necessary16)What do you want your friends to be like? friendly, helpful, kind17)What do you love doing most when you are with your friends? playing sport together :)18)Last person you would want to see when you die? my friends and sister (my parents would have pass away by then)19)If you are feeling low one day, who will you go to? nasirah :)20)How will you spend your time if today is your last day on earth? with my family as they are the closes with me and enjoy the sun rise together

went to school yesterday but after flag-raising the F&N students went to BITC ( Baking Industries Training Center) to learn how to back choux pastry for then 3N class the 3E4 did on other pastry we reach there around 9 am as during the journey the have been a traffic jam at the express way. when we reach there we went to the 11 floor and the elevator is supper slow when we reach there we went to a room to put our bags and went to put on the cap( almost similar to our shower cap) and the plastic apron. we are to be form into group of 4 so me , Yuanxiao, Lydia and Jaskiran from 1 group and we did swam pastry ,cream puff pastry and eclairs. we follow the instructor who reach us how to do the pastry and we spent about an hour plus to finish everything and i can said is very tiring and the most difficult pasty is went we are mixing the mixture we have to use hand to keep on turning and turning and my hand had gone red and another difficult is the shape of the pastry we have to make almost exactly the same shape and size the instructor went to see our pastry and said what is this it look like the shape of the shit -_-" we did our best already OK ! things didn't turn out well and all our hands got the mixture we quickly send to the oven and bake it . after baking it time to dip chocolate to the top of the eclairs Lydia like this the most and she been secretly eating those chocolate went we are cutting and decorating our pastry at around 1 pm we left BITC and head straight back to school
it been almost one month i never blog le . busy with my study and exam i had just finish my last paper today the math paper 2 can said quite difficult especially Q7 hope i can pass my math -_-"" and the social studies paper too .the other er OK hope can pass all the subject and also holiday is around the corner then i can hang out with my friends go shopping :) and Monday we do no have to attend school as it is biology paper for the express so can stay home and slack :)